Asked by: Sirine Moñiz
Asked in category: home and garden, interior decorating, home and garden, interior decorating
Last Updated: 22nd Jun 2024

Which way do Shutters hang?

It all depends on your perspective. For Open Shutters, the shutter louver should face down when the shutter is opened (or towards the back if it is not covering the window).

People also ask: How do shutters close?

Closed Shutters Louver Direction: If shutters are closed over windows, they should point down and out, away the window. This will allow water that hits the shutters to drain towards the front and away from the area between it and the window.

How are plantation shutters mounted? Shutters should be mounted inside your window opening if you have any decorative trim or molding. An inside mount allows shutters to attach to the window frame using hinges or a small wooden shutterframe. This is sometimes called an "aLa frame".

Another question is: Where should shutters go?

The height of decorative shutters that are most appropriate in most cases is from the top of the window trim to the bottom. If you have a sill at the window's bottom and are installing vinyl shutters there should be a gap of at most 1/4 inch to allow for the vinyl material to expand or contract.

Do shutters need to be placed on the sides of a house?

He says that shutters are legal on arched windows if the shutter covers it. Shutters are made primarily of vinyl, composite material, and wood. Vinyl shutters are usually mounted directly to the side of a house, which is why they don't look functional, Taylor says.