Asked by: Jorel Gomatos
Asked in category: technology and computing, databases
Last Updated: 28th Jun 2024

What is the role of the solution architect?

Solution architects are responsible for designing one or more services or applications within an organization. They usually work as part of a solution-development team. A solution architect must possess a balance of business and technical skills. They often work alongside an enterprise architect to provide strategic direction.

What is the role and responsibility of solution architects?

The Solution Architect organizes the development effort. They are responsible to the vision and execution of the solution. When the Functional Analyst (FA), is developing requirements, the Solution Architect gets involved in a project.

What does it take to become a solution architect? A bachelor's degree is required to become a solution architect. The majority of solutions architect positions require at least five years experience in IT, network administration, and even software development.

What is solution architect, you ask?

In information technology, a solution architect is a practitioner in solution architecture. The solution architect is usually part of the solution-development team. He or she translates functional analysts' requirements into architecture for the solution, and then describes it through architecture and design artifacts.

What is the best job for Solution Architect?

This is a great move because it allows you to practice communication, documentation, requirements gathering and understanding how businesses work. Combining these skills with your experience as a developer is a great way for you to become a solution architect.