Asked by: Benito Zimper
Asked in category: medical health, heart and cardiovascular diseases, medical health, heart and cardiovascular diseases
Last Updated: 28th Jun 2024

What is the mechanism of action of milrinone?

It is a phosphodiesterase 3-inhibitor that works to increase heart contractility and decrease pulmonary arterial resistance. Milrinone can also be used to vasodilate, which reduces afterload (higher pressures) on the heart and improves its pumping action.

Similar questions can be asked about milrinone.

Milrinone works as a vasodilator by relaxing blood vessels muscles to dilate and widen them. This lowers blood pressure, allowing blood to flow more freely through your veins. Milrinone can be used to treat life-threatening heart disease.

What class of drug is milrinone also? Milrinone lactate injection is a member of a new class of bipyridine inotropic/vasodilator agents with phosphodiesterase inhibitor activity, distinct from digitalis glycosides or catecholamines.

What receptors does milrinone interact with?

Milrinone. Milrinone inhibits phosphodiesterase activity in the myocyte, leading intracellular cyclic Adenosine monophosphate and calcium levels. It acts downstream of the I2-adrenergic receptor as an inotropic agent.

What causes vasodilation by milrinone?

The inhibition of internal thoracic artery contracture by milrinone was not due to an increase in the concentrations of agonists causing 50% maximum contraction. This indicates that milrinone exerts its vasodilator effects directly on the smooth muscles and not on the other parts.