Asked by: Anfisa Hollborn
Asked in category: science, physics
Last Updated: 27th Apr 2024

Which of Newton's 3 Laws of Motion describes a clock that hangs on the wall?

3rd law - The opposite reaction force to an action force is in its opposite direction. A picture hangs on a wall, and it does not move.

Which of Newton's 3 Laws of Motion describes a clock that hangs on a wall?

3rd law - The opposite reaction force to an action force is in its opposite direction. A picture hangs on a wall, and it does not move.

What are Newton's three laws of motion? The three Newton laws of motion can be summarized as follows: Any object that is in uniform motion will continue to move unless it is impacted by an external force. Force equals acceleration times mass [ ]. There is always an opposite reaction to every action.

Know which example best exemplifies Newton's third law?

When you shoot a basketball, your hand pushes against the basketball's surface. This is Newton’s 3rd lawof motion. There is always an opposite reaction to every action. An object at rest will remain at rest unless it is acted upon by an unbalanced force.

Which law explains why a magician pulls a cloth?

Newton's first law, Inertia, explains how a magician can remove the tablecloth from underneath dishes and place it on the table. Because of the mass of objects that remain in inertia. The slippery nature of table cloth does not allow for force, and it simply slides out.