Asked by: Exuperancio Berrueta
Asked in category: technology and computing, programming languages, technology and computing, programming languages
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

Where is my python directory?

Navigate to the directory C:UsersPattisAppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython37 (or to whatever directory Python was installed: see the pop-up window for Installing step 3). Double-click the file.exe icon. The following pop-up window should appear.

How do I find out where Python is located?

Click Start in the lower left corner. Press Search. In the search window, click all files and folders. Type python.exe in the top text line that appears. Then press the Search button. After several minutes, the Python folder will be listed. The path to Python is in the folder name.

How do I find the path to a directory in Python? Get the path to the current working directory. There is a method called getcwd() that will return the current working directory. It's that easy. It returns the path (absolute) for the current directory. You can either split the directory name by a/a, or use a function called basename from OS.

Is there a python root directory that I can access?

Locating Your Installation Common places for Python to be installed on is in C:PythonXY or %AppData%RoamingPythonPythonXY . To run Python scripts you must pass a filename to python.exe.

Where can I find Python installed on Windows

You can look in the Windows registry to find the installed path under Windows. Each installed Python version will have a registry key in either: HKLMSOFTWAREPythonPythonCoreversionnumberInstallPath. HKCUSOFTWAREPythonPythonCoreversionnumberInstallPath.