Asked by: Margarit Aldana
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 5th Jul 2024

Care for pilea Cadierei

Provide water, light, fertilizer, and the plant will grow lush and healthy.
  1. The soil should be well-drained and moist.
  2. The aluminum plant should receive at least four hours of direct sun each day.
  3. A humidifier should be placed next to the aluminum plant.

How do you care for pilea?

Top 5 Pileacare Tips

  1. Allow your Pilea to dry between watering. You can water your Pilea with a nice, dry potting mixture!
  2. Bottom watering! Let your pot sit in a bowl of water for a while.
  3. There is plenty of indirect sun!
  4. Rotate, Rotate, Rotate!
  5. The Perfect Potting Mix

How can you propagate pilea Cadierei, too? It prefers loamy soil and grows well in moist, well-drained soil. It is a popular ground cover in tropical areas Pileacadierei for shade spots in humid climates. Propagation Using cuttings, propagate Pilea cadierei in late spring. The stem should be cut just below the node at the point where the leaf is attached.

It is also asked how often to water an aluminum plant.

The soil should be kept moist but not too wet at all. When the temperature drops and your pilea stops producing new leaves, let the soil dry out for a few days before you begin watering. If a pilea is active growing, feed it every two weeks with a balanced plant food that has been diluted to half the recommended strength.

Why is my aluminum plant getting sick?

Sunburn can occur if your aluminum plant is exposed to too much sunlight. Your leaves might turn yellow or droop. Your plants may wilt if the soil becomes too dry. Make sure the soil is evenly moist and not dry to the touch.