Asked by: Aparicio Ruschenschmidt
Asked in category: medical health, mental health
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

When was cognitive behavioral therapy first introduced?


Who created cognitive therapy, just as it is?

Cognitive therapy (CT), a form of psychotherapy, was developed by Aaron T. Beck. CT is one of many therapeutic approaches in cognitive behavioral therapies (CBT). It was first described by Beck in 1960.

Who also developed the cognitive behavioral anger model. Albert Ellis was the original creator of the ABC technique, which is still used in CBT today. The ABC Technique of Irrational Beliefs examines the three main steps that can lead to an irrational belief.

Who is the father of cognitive behavior therapy?


What is the evolution of CBT?

CBT evolved in three stages. The 1950s saw the emergence of behaviour therapy in the USA and the UK. This was the first stage. The treatment of anxiety disorders like phobias was made possible by behaviour therapy. However, many adults still experience anxiety and depression.