Asked by: Dayane Lestayo
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 4th Jul 2024

When should Sorbaria be pruned

These spring flowering shrubs should be pruned as soon as they bloom. To improve the shape and decrease the size of your plant, top prune it. However, you should not remove more than 30%. Summer pruning is also possible for vigorous plants. However, it should not be done after mid-July.

What month are you pruning?

Pruning evergreen shrubs and trees is best done after they have finished flowering. You can prune the plant in late winter or early spring, just before it starts to grow again. Take out deadheads and trim back the healthy, outward-facing buds.

How do you care for Sorbaria plants? Suckers will quickly spread the plants, even more so in loose soil. Make sure to grab suckers as soon as they appear. This shrub should be trimmed every winter in Sorbaria care. To prevent it from becoming too dominant, you might consider cutting it down to the ground every year.

When should plants be pruned?

Spring-flowering shrubs and trees are the exception to this rule. They need to be pruned as soon as their flowers have faded, usually in late spring or early summer. Perennial plants must be pruned completely before or after their growing season. They also need to be deadheaded, sheared, and regularly trimmed.

Do hydrangeas need to be reduced in fall?

These hydrangeas are easy to grow because they will bloom each year, regardless of how they are treated or cared for. They can be cut to the ground in the autumn, and will then emerge in the spring with abundant blooms. The plant may weaken over time if you do this too often.