Asked by: Catrice Hombre
Asked in category: food and drink, world cuisines
Last Updated: 6th Jul 2024

What vegetable is similar to red celery?


This is what celery looks like, so which vegetable does it look like?


What is a red celery? Red celeries are creatures that thrive in cool and humid weather. Seed savers have many red varieties. The plain old variety from the 18th century is my favorite. Because its originator is unknown, it is called Red Celery.

People also ask: What looks like celery, but it's not?

Fennel stalks are an overlooked part of fennel. First, they look just like celery, and secondly, they have the same crunchy texture that celery has, so you can use them raw as a snack or in salads.

What is pink celery?

The pink celery is botanically known as Apium graveolens. It has slender, brightly coloured stalks and grows to less than 30 centimeters high. They are part of the Apiaceae Family.