Asked by: Shuhui Gazol
Asked in category: business and finance, construction industry
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

When should I cut my concrete driveway?

Saw cutting can be started as soon as the concrete has been poured in hot weather. Cooler weather may mean that sawing does not begin until 12 hours after concrete has been poured. To determine if the slab is ready, you can make test cuts and check for raveling.

How soon should concrete be cut?

Timing of Concrete Cutting The timing will vary depending on the local conditions. However, saw cuts can usually be made 4 to 12 hours after concrete has been completed. Hot weather dry-cut joints for early-entry are typically cut within 1 to 4 hours of finishing concrete. They're not as deep as conventional cuts.

Is it possible to make control joints after the above mentioned? HOW TO SEE CONTROL JOINTS. Cutting concrete freshly poured too late can cause unwanted cracks and render the joints useless. Concrete work should be cut within 6-18 hours, and not beyond 24 hours.

How do you make a concrete driveway?

For small jobs, use a standard circular saw equipped with a corundum- or diamond blade. Cut through the top one-inch, then use the sledgehammer for the remainder. The rough edge below the cutting line is a good rough edge to bond to the concrete.

Concrete expansion joints: When are they appropriate?

The control joint's purpose is to allow the slab crack during expansion or contraction in a predetermined location and in straight lines. Expansion joints must be in place before the concrete can be poured. These joints allow the slab to move freely and do not place stress on any adjacent structures.