Asked by: Aurelijus Przybilsk
Asked in category: medical health, bone and joint conditions
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

What's the purpose of a Jewett brace?

What is a Jewett brace and how does it work? The Jewett brace supports your lumbar and thoracic spines by preventing twisting (bending forward) and prevents flexion (bending forward). It will keep your back straight while you heal from an injury or surgery.

What is a TLSO brace?

Medical Definition of TLSO TLSO TLSO : Thoracolumbosacral Orthosis. This brace is one of two types of braces that are used to correct scoliosis's lateral curve. This brace can be worn by patients to correct spinal curves that are at or below the eighth cervical vertebra.

What does a TLSO brace look? A TLSO brace is usually a two-piece clamshell. It could also be one piece with an opening at the front. The TLSO extends below the collar bones to the pelvis. It's used to stabilize the spine following surgery, or to reduce pain and swelling in the case of a spinal injury.

What is a TLSO brace compression fracture, and how do you know?

The TLSO brace can be used to treat compression fractures. The brace features a pressure system with three points that helps to reduce the problems of compression fractures. The brace applies pressure on the sternum, hips front and mid back (where most spinal compression fractures occur).

Is it possible to heal a fractured back without surgery?

Like any other injury, the severity and location of a spinal fracture will determine its treatment. A minor fracture can heal by itself, without the need for surgery. An external brace may be required to stabilize your spine if the injury occurs in the upper (thoracic), or lower (lumbar).