Asked by: Yakout Leiteritz
Asked in category: video gaming, pc games
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

Artex was used on walls?

Description. Artex is a different material from plaster. It was intended to be textured, so that a ceiling can be completed without the need for plastering. Artex could occasionally be used on walls . Artex remains available, although textured ceiling finishes have become less popular since 2016.

This begs the question: When did Artex stop using asbestos?


Artex is dangerous! Artex and other textured coatings may contain small amounts asbestos. However, the fibres are tightly bonded and cannot be easily released. Artex is commonly found on ceilings and is not easily damaged during building occupation.

How do I find out if my Artex contains asbestos?

Most textured coatings can be painted white. may show the true colour underneath the paint if is damaged. An orangey-brown, or grey colour can indicate that the coating is plaster and not a true coating.

How can you smoothen Artex walls?

Use the spatula to load the smoother using Artex Easifix Silk-It. Use firm, smooth strokes to apply a uniform coat. Once the entire surface has been covered, let dry until it is firm to the touch. You can repeat the process until you achieve the desired smoothness.