Asked by: Earlie Jijin
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, stamps and coins
Last Updated: 22nd Jun 2024

What word means made up of lots of different parts?

adjective. having many different parts, elements, forms, etc. Many and varied; many or multiple: Multifarious activities.

What is the alternative way to say "made up of"?

Add. build. carry. combine. comprise.

How many parts make up a word? The Eight Parts of Speech. The English language has eight parts: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Part of speech refers to the function of the word in the sentence's meaning and grammar.

What does it mean to mix different things?

Words that refer to variety, variety, variation, ranges, collection, assortment/change, soup, category and kind.

What is the definition of a collection?

A collection is a collection of items, usually created by someone. The most common collections consist of books, stamps and dolls. A museum's collection can also be called a "collections". A group of people might be called a gathering. However, a collection of rare coins would be considered a collection.