Asked by: Earl Efficace
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, christianity
Last Updated: 27th Apr 2024

What the Bible says about gardening?

Genesis 2:8
According to the bible, the Lord God created the Garden of Eden and placed Adam in it. This means God gave us the authority to care for the land He has given us.

Also, asked: What does the Bible say about plants?

Hebrew. God said, "See! I give you every leaf-bearing tree that is on the earth and every tree with seed-bearing fruits; they shall become your food."

What does the Bible have to say about growing food? Genesis 1:11 God then said, "Let nature produce vegetation: seeds-bearing plants, trees that bear seed, and land that bears fruit with seed in them, according to their different kinds." It was so.

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What flowers are mentioned by the Bible?

The Bible's list of plants

Plant Refer to
Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) Esther 1:16
Crocus (Crocus sinativus) Song of Solomon 4:13
Crown Daisy (Chrysanthemum Sp.) Isaiah 40:6
Crown of Thorns (Paliurus Spina-christi). Mark 15:15