Asked by: Antea Lena
Asked in category: business and finance, manufacturing industry
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

What number of sprints are there in a pi?

5 Sprints

What is an agile PI?

A Program Increment is a timebox in which an Agile Release Train delivers incremental value through the development of working software and systems. Typically, PIs last between 8 and 12 weeks. A PI typically has four development Iterations followed by one Innovation and Planning Iteration.

What is the frequency range that SAFe recommends for PI planning? Agile Release Trainings In a similar way that Scrum recommends 5-9 people per Scrum Team, SAFe recommends that an Agile Release Train consist of between 5-12 Agile Teams with 50-125 individuals.

What is the first part Pi planning meeting about?

The first part is about the big picture. It provides context for the next planning. Let's now move on to the important part of the meeting at the conclusion.

What is pre PI planning exactly?

Pre-PI planning is used to coordinate input goals, Milestones and context for the ART PI Planning sessions. The post-PI planning meeting is used to integrate the results from ART planning into a Vision and Roadmap that will lead to a larger value stream.