Asked by: Abdon Sharif
Asked in category: medical health, brain and nervous system disorders, medical health, brain and nervous system disorders
Last Updated: 1st May 2024

What neural structure is most like the plastic insulation that surrounds an electrical wire?


People also ask: What structure in the body receives and may send neurotransmitters across to a synapse or other structures?

Many synaptic vesicles are located inside the axon terminals of sending cells. These are membrane-bound spheres containing neurotransmitter chemicals. The synaptic cleft is the small gap between the membrane of the postsynaptic and the axon terminals of the presynaptic neurons.

Which hormone is responsible for our hunger experience? Let me introduce you to two hormones that are responsible for hunger: leptin (hunger hormone) and ghrelin (ghrelin). Leptin, a hormone made by fat cells, decreases your hunger. Ghrelin, a hormone that increases appetite and plays a part in body weight, is also known as Ghrelin.

What is a neuron best described by?

The fundamental units of the brain, nervous system and nerve cells are called neurones or nerve cells. They receive sensory input from the outside world and send motor commands to our muscles. They also transform and relay electrical signals at every stage.

What are dendrites?

Dendrites (nerve cells) are projections of neurons that receive signals (information). Information is transferred from one neuron to the next using chemical signals and electrical impulses.