Asked by: Colene Orquin
Asked in category: technology and computing, antivirus software
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

What can I do to fix Edge Browser in Windows 10?

Repair Or Reset Edge Browser
Open the WinX Menu, then click on Settings. Next, go to the Apps and Features section and search for Microsoft Edge. To open the window, click on the Advanced Options link. If Edge isn't working, you can first choose the Repair option.

People also ask: How do I fix my edge browser?"

How do you repair Microsoft Edge on Windows 10

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Click on Apps.
  3. Click on Apps and Features.
  4. Choose Microsoft Edge from this list.
  5. Click on the Advanced Options link.
  6. If Microsoft Edge is not working properly, click the Repair button. This will allow you to fix it without affecting any of your browser data.

What happened to Microsoft Edge browser? Microsoft released Edge in July 2015. It was a second browser by the company. This browser was designed to replace Internet Explorer. It was a failure. Microsoft's third attempt at building a better browser is with the new Edge browser. It's based on open source Chromium.

Also, learn how to reset your Edge browser in Windows 10

Reset Microsoft Edge

  1. Right-click the Start button at the lower-left corner to select aApps or Features.
  2. Scroll down the list until the Microsoft Edgea is found, then click the link for Advanced Optionsa.
  3. Next, click the Reset button.

Microsoft Edge - Are there any problems?

Edge on Windows 10 is not working for many users. Some users have reported that the Edge does not start at all for them. Some users complain that the Edge crashes immediately after it launches. Microsoft Edge may be the problem. You can fix it by reinstalling your browser.