Asked by: Sameiro Theuser
Asked in category: news and politics, disasters
Last Updated: 24th Jun 2024

What kind of noun is considered disaster?

noun. A calamitous, sudden event that causes great loss, damage, or hardship.

Also, is disaster an abstract noun.

The angry bird loved to break through things. It was a source of pride for the angry bird to leave disaster behind. The abstract noun pride appears in the sentence. It's a feeling that we cannot see, feel, smell or touch.

Is disaster an adjective or a noun? Forming adjectives from English nouns - Part 5A – using the suffix "-ous".

Noun drop "e" + Suffix Adjective
Disaster tr + ous It was disastrous
wonder Dr + ous wondrous

What word, then, is "disaster"?

1. Disaster and Cataclysm are terms that refer to adverse events that often occur suddenly or unexpectedly. Disasters can be caused by negligence, carelessness, bad judgement, or other natural forces such as floods or hurricanes.

What are the three types of disasters that can occur?

There are three types of disasters:

  • Natural - Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, etc.
  • Technological - Chemical releases and power outages, natural gas explosions etc.
  • Man-made - Terror attacks, race riots, mass shootings, etc.