Asked by: Jianchun Baidavletoff
Asked in category: home and garden, interior decorating
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

What is Tuscan style?

Tuscan style was inspired by the hills of Italy and is elegant yet rustic. The style is known for its aged finishes, iron scrollwork and intricate patterns. Tuscan architecture starts with terracotta or travertine tiles and continues up to plaster walls or textured walls. Finally, it finishes with a beam ceiling.

How do you decorate Tuscan style?

These seven Tuscan-inspired decorating ideas will help you achieve this look.

  1. Warm colors are best. Warm colors conjure images of sunny country in a color scheme inspired by Tuscany.
  2. Plaster or Faux Paint Walls.
  3. Get wild with wood.
  4. Keep your floors clean.
  5. Wrought Iron is also available.
  6. You can bring a Tuscan Garden indoors.
  7. Mix Rustic Elements.

What is the difference between Tuscany and Mediterranean? The major difference between Tuscan and Mediterranean decorating styles is that Tuscan is influenced only by Italy while Mediterranean decor incorporates elements of other cultures such as Spanish, French, Moroccan or Turkish influences.

What then, is a Tuscan kitchen?

Traditional Tuscan kitchen designs often use terracotta, marble, or ceramic tiles in their floors. They are available in natural colors and finishes. To maintain the warm, relaxed, and inviting feel of a Tuscan kitchen, furniture may be hand-painted or distressed.

What are the Tuscan colors?

Warm red, yellow, olive green and ochre are all possible colors for a Tuscan palette. A Tuscany-style palette that is easy to use should have more warm colors than cool and no more than five colours. Two main colors should be chosen for a Tuscan-style scheme. Both must be warm.