Asked by: Xiaoyang Turati
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 28th Apr 2024

What is the time it takes to remove the popcorn ceiling?

You can expect to spend approximately 20 hours to replace and remove your popcorn ceiling in a 500sq feet area if you use traditional methods.

What is the cost of removing popcorn ceilings?

Popcorn Ceiling Removal Cost. Popcorn ceiling removal costs are typically between $1,010 to $2,260. Most homeowners spend about $1,710. For popcorn ceiling removal, contractors charge typically $1-$2 per square foot.

Another question is, "How do I remove popcorn ceilings myself?" Spray the Ceiling. Fill a spray bottle and spray one section (10 feet) at a stretch. Allow it to sit for around 20 minutes. Do not over-saturate the popcorn coating as this could cause damage to the underlying drywall.

Another question is, "Is it worth removing the popcorn ceiling?"

It is not expensive to remove. Workers may be able to clean up the debris and reveal the beautiful plaster underneath. A popcorn ceiling is more likely to cover up bad drywall or mudding jobs.

What would an asbestos popcorn ceiling look?

Asbestos ceilings look rustic and textured, as opposed to smooth ceilings in modern homes. They can be white, cream or brown with a bumpy texture resembling cottage cheese. A popcorn ceiling made from asbestos will not look like any other textured ceiling.