Asked by: Iraia Tinti
Asked in category: style and fashion, mens outerwear
Last Updated: 11th May 2024

What kinds of animals are found in the Western Cordillera region?

Western Cordillera
Other species include sagebrush and rabbitbrush, antelopebush, mountain-avens, bunchgrass and pine grass, as well as bluebunch wheatgrass. Caribou, white-tailed and mule deer are some of the large herbivores.

It is simple. What animals live in Cordillera?

There are many species of wildlife found in the Cordillera region. The animals include falcons, woodland caribous, deer and mooses, as well as squirrels, wolverines and grizzly bears.

What are the natural resources in Western Cordillera, too? The Cordillera's natural resources include forestry (the largest industry in the area), agriculture, mining (iron and lead zinc, silver and copper), and fisheries (the West Coast is well-known for its salmon).

Afterwards, you might also wonder what kind of soil is found in the Western Cordillera.

Because of the wide range of climates, there are many types of soil in Western Cordillera. There are podzol soils which are extremely acidic and low in humus. It rains quite a lot, so many beautiful plants can be grown in the area.

What are the most important features of the Western Cordillera?

These include snowmobiling, skiing/snowboarding and dogsledding. The beautiful wildlife of the Western Cordillera region is due to the many mountains and forests that are found in the provinces.