Asked by: Nissrin Sapojnikov
Asked in category: science, geology
Last Updated: 29th Apr 2024

What is the study of rocks and soil called?

Geology refers to the study of the Earth's crust. Geologists are people who study geology. Geologists are experts in minerals and the useful substances found in rocks, such as ores or fossil fuels. Geologists also study the Earth's history.

Likewise, what is the name of rock study?


The next question is: What is geology? geology

What is the study of rock structure and origin?

Petrology is the scientific study of rocks. It deals with their structure, composition, and distribution. It covers all three types of rocks: metamorphic, sedimentary, and asigneous.

What are rocks and soil?

One or more minerals make up rock. Based on how the rock was formed, there are three major types of rock: metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous. Fine rock particles are mixed with water, air and other particles from dead plants and animals to make soil.