Asked by: Odile Beckenbauer
Asked in category: automotive, auto parts, automotive, auto parts, automotive, auto parts, automotive, auto parts
Last Updated: 14th May 2024

What temperature should a 454 run at?

A 454 block with no thermostat should not run hotter than 140F, even when it's being used under load. This is a sign that the engine has a problem.

Another question is: What is the ideal temperature for a large block of 454?

It's okay to keep the temperature at 200-210 degrees. Put water in your antifreeze. Both must work together for effectiveness. I have a 73454, and my temp is right around the 200 mark.

Is 210°C too hot to run an engine? Too cold is anything below 175*F (80*C), and too hot anything above 230*F (10110*C), so 210*F is acceptable.

Hence, my 454 is overheating.

The engine block's head gasket prevents coolant from leaking into the crankcase and cylinders. Overheating can occur quickly if the head gasket on the 454 engine cracks or breaks.

Is there a temperature too high for aluminum heads?

Let's now get to the question that you didn't ask: Is it a good idea for aluminum to be used at 400°F (or worse, 600°)? The answer is likely no, even though the maximum temperature is 400 degrees. Aluminum alloys, just like steel, become less strong as the temperature of service rises.