Asked by: Fernando Kinnison
Asked in category: personal finance, life insurance
Last Updated: 15th May 2024

What does Aflac's benefits advisor do?

Aflac benefits advisors work with HR representatives and business owners to design supplemental insurance plans and other value-added services. Meeting with employers to tailor programs that meet their needs.

Similar to the above, it is also asked how much a benefits advisor at Aflac makes.

The average annual pay in the United States for an Aflac Benefits Advisor is $56,218, which is close to the national .

Aflac agents are paid an hourly rate, or do they get hourly wages? Their sales associates are paid commissions, plus stock options, renewal income, and if the are in sales management, they also get overrides.

What is the role and responsibilities of a benefits advisor?

What does a Benefits Advisor do? Job analysis specialists and compensation experts conduct job analysis and evaluate an organization's benefit programs. They evaluate job descriptions and determine details like a person's salary and classification.

What is the best Aflac job?

Excellent Company. Aflac is the best company out of all the ones I have worked for. Aflac invests in employee appreciation activities for a whole week. They treat sales professionals and full-time employees with respect.