Asked by: Filofteia Hosta
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 4th Jul 2024

What is the secret to my coleus's continued eating?

Coleus plants can be attacked by mealy bugs. These little insects resemble white fuzz and may infest the plant with whiteflies or aphids as well as spider mites, whiteflies, aphids and slugs. The pests can make leaves wilted and blotchy.

Then, you might also wonder: What animals eat coleus plant?

Thirdly, Chipmunks/Squirrels can be active throughout the day unlike other animals that could have eaten it at night (mainly Skunks or Raccoons). Squirrels or Chipmunks could also leave bite and gnaw marks on leaves, and they would also eat whole stalks.

How can we also save coleus plants? The coleus plant should be moved to a location that gets full to partial sun or at least three hours of direct sunlight daily. If the coleus gets too much sun, the leaves will burn and dry out. You can move a container that has been grown in it to another location.

What causes coleus leaves to fall?

The sudden drop in leaves of the Coleus can be caused by many things. This happens when the leaves aren't being watered enough, don't cool down or get too cold. While moist soil is important for healthy Coleus, it is not the same thing as wet soil that will encourage roots and stems rot.

Do snails eat coleus?

The record of coleus and caladiums is better. Some of the leaves can be eaten by slugs, snails and pill bugs, especially caladiums. However, they can easily be controlled using baits or beer traps.