Asked by: Antigua Garcia De Leaniz
Asked in category: travel, europe travel
Last Updated: 6th Jul 2024

Which countries will join EU?

Five candidates are recognized for future membership of European Union. They are Turkey (applied 14 April 1987), North Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, and Serbia (applied 2009).

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EU enlargement: Next seven. The European Union is waiting for seven countries and Kosovo. Although the EU does not recognize Kosovo's independence, the EU still considers it a possible candidate for membership. On 3 October 2005, Croatia and Turkey began accession negotiations.

What countries aren't members of the EU? European countries not belonging to the EU:

  • Albania.
  • Andorra.
  • Armenia.
  • Azerbaijan.
  • Belarus.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Georgia.
  • Iceland.

Many people also wonder: Which countries are part of the EU?

These EU countries include: Austria, Belgium. Bulgaria. Croatia. Republic of Cyprus. Czech Republic. Denmark. Estonia. Finland. France. Germany. Greece. Hungary. Italy. Latvia. Lithuania. Luxembourg. Malta. Netherlands. Poland. Portugal. Romania. Slovakia. Slovenia. Spain.

Why is Norway not a member of the EU?

European Economic Area Norway's access to the EU single market is granted by the EEA agreement. These fees would be eliminated if Norway joined the European Union, and this would result in lower food prices for Norway. Farmers and the fishing industry oppose this as it creates more competition for domestic producers.