Asked by: Dirk Westdorp
Asked in category: home and garden, interior decorating
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

Is it possible to widen a staircase

The majority of interior steps can be made from hardwood, plywood or composite material and can be remodeled to increase their width. It is not as hard as thinks. You can add an extension of hardwood to increase the stair width or depth. The stair tread could become unstable if you add more.

Can a staircase be extended?

A widened staircase can make your home look more spacious and attractive. A steep and narrow staircase can be difficult to climb. However, a wide, gently rising staircase is more inviting and easier to navigate.

You might also wonder, "How can I make my stairs appear wider?" I would take off the carpet and sand the stairs to make it look like a carpet runner. It should make the space wider by using contrasting colors. A space made brighter by keeping the colour light is the best way to make it appear wider. You can make a space look wider by adding a horizontal stripe or changing the colour.

How much does it cost for a staircase to be widened?

The mid- or high end of the price range is for a complete overhaul of a standard staircase. New treads and risers usually around $1,800 to $2,000. Balusters are usually priced between $1,200 and $1,600. A complete renovation that includes treads, risers and balusters can cost anywhere from $4,000 to $8,000.

Are there ways to fix stairs that are too steep.

A steep staircase is often restructured, which means that there will be less living space on the floor connecting to it. You must decrease the height of the stair risers and increase the tread depth to make stairs easier to climb and descend. Stairlifts with steep slopes are not easy to fix. Complete remodeling is required.