Asked by: Onan Tarancon
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, buddhism
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

What is the name of the top of a pagoda?


What does a pagoda, then?

Pagoda. Pagoda. These structures were originally symbolic of sacred mountains and were used to store relics or remains from saints and kings.

Who invented the pagoda style, other than above? Pashupatinath Temple was the oldest Pagoda temple in Nepal. It was constructed around the first century AD. Another record also shows that pagodas and similar structures were found in Nepal as early as the seventh century. However, it is not known if the pagoda was actually built there.

You may also wonder, "How many levels can a pagoda be?"


What is the significance of the pagoda shape?

In China, the first pagoda was constructed by Emperor Ming in 68 CE to spread Buddha's teachings. These pagodas were very different from their predecessors in terms of the number of levels and roofs. Its steeple, however, took the form of a stupa to signify that it was the most important component of the structure.