Asked by: Vernetta Niman
Asked in category: technology and computing, shareware and freeware
Last Updated: 4th Jul 2024

How can you grant access to certificates, identifiers, and profiles?

You can add another user to Admin with (Certificates, Identifiers and Profiles) access by changing your Apple Developer account to Individual to Company/Organisation. Then you will be able grant the access you want to the added users.

How do I grant iTunes Connect permission?

Create an iTunes Connect account with limited permissions

  1. Step 1: Create a new Apple ID.
  2. Step 2: Sign in to your iTunes Connect Administrator Account.
  3. Step 3: Go to aUsers & Rolesa
  4. Step 4: To add iTunes Connect users, click on the a+a button next to them.
  5. Step 5: Fill in your User Information.
  6. Step 6: Select aMarketera or aSalesa, and then aReportsa
  7. Step 7: Save your settings, and confirm your account.

What is Apple's role? There are increasing scientific support for the claim that "An apple a day keeps he doctor away". Consuming apples can lower blood cholesterol, improve bowel function and reduce the risk of stroke, type II diabetes, and prostate cancer.

How do I grant an Apple developer account to someone else?

Add an additional user to your iOS Developer account

  1. Open the Users and Access section.
  2. Click the "+" button at the top-left corner.
  3. Enter the details of your new user.
  4. Allow the user to have at least the App Manager or Admin role.
  5. Allow 'Access to Certificates and Identifiers'.
  6. To send an invitation to the email address of the new user, click Invite.

How can I connect to the App Store Connect

Sign in to App store Connect if you are an Account Holder user. You can use the Apple ID that you used to join Apple Developer Program to add users to your App store Connect organization. Sign in to App StoreConnect with your AppleID. To access the features, click on any section of the homepage.