Asked by: Celena Rasillo
Asked in category: food and drink, desserts and baking
Last Updated: 4th Jul 2024

Can you wash marble floors with vinegar?

It is essential that marble is cleaned with a neutral pH cleaning solution. Avoid using acidic cleaners on your Marble to scratch it and dullen its shine. This means that vinegar is not allowed! Use a highly concentrated mixture of ammonia, water, or a mixture of dish soap, water to clean marble floors.

People also ask: What cleaning products can be safely used on marble?

Bleach and hydrogen peroxide as well as vinegar, are all inexpensive and can be used to "clean" marble. However, they are too harsh (acidic and caustic) to use on marble. They will also cause damage to the marble floor or countertop.

How can you clean stains off marble floors? How to Clean & Remove Stains from Marble & Granite

  1. To remove as much substance as possible, first blot the area.
  2. Then spray it with water.
  3. Slather the mixture with a paste of baking soda and water until it is as thick as sour cream.
  4. Cover the pan for at least 24 hours. The baking soda will dry quickly and remove most of the stain.

You can clean marble with vinegar.

Marble is porous so it can be damaged if you spill acidic substances on it. Vinegar, Windex, or bleach should not be used on marble. These acidic substances can eat through a marble countertop and dull the stone. Marble can also be scratched by abrasive cleaners or pads.

What is the best cleaner to use on marble floors?

Use a very diluted mixture of pH neutral products with water or a diluted dish-washing detergent and water to clean marble floors. Windex, baking soda and light dish- detergent can all be used to clean marble floors. Marble floors can be cleaned with any pH neutral cleaner.