Asked by: Asmahan Hollerith
Asked in category: food and drink, barbecues and grilling, food and drink, barbecues and grilling
Last Updated: 1st May 2024

What is the most expensive tomato?

These are the most expensive tomatoes in all of world! These beautiful little red ruby cherry tomato ( tomate cerise ) were purchased from my Place Monge Market for 9 EUROS !!!!! This is about $12, plus or minus a dollar. It's basically an arm, a leg, and another arm for good measure.

This is why heirloom tomatoes are so expensive.

Because they are not mass-produced, heirloom tomatoes are more expensive than regular tomatoes. Their price is usually higher because there are fewer varieties available than hybrids. Heirlooms are less disease-resistant than hybrid varieties and produce less per acre. They also don't travel well.

Why is tomato so expensive? Tomatoes are about to get more expensive. Many Americans don't know that more than 70% of tomatoes sold in America actually come from Mexico. The Department of Commerce ended a trade law that was obscure on May 7th. Get ready for tomato wars.

What is the rarest variety of tomato?

Sixty years of growing one rare tomato. Paul Ross, an East Vancouver resident, still grows a rare variety of heirloom tomato he discovered in the 1950s. It is now known as the Ross Red Salad Tomato.

What is the best price for tomatoes?

The average tomato price at your local grocery shop will be between $1 and $7 per pound. It will depend on the type and season of tomatoes. A bushel of tomatoes can weigh between 25 and 35 pounds.