Asked by: Sergi Ehrenlechner
Asked in category: technology and computing, data storage and warehousing
Last Updated: 22nd May 2024

How does Dropbox make money on free accounts?

How does Dropbox make its money? Dropbox uses a "freemium" business model. This means it gives away the basic version of its product for free in the hope that users will upgrade to feature-richer versions.

People often ask if Dropbox is profitable in 2019.

The 2019 full-year guidance of Dropbox, which ranges from $1.657 billion up to $1.659 trillion, is a further decline in year-over-year growth rate to around 19%. Dropbox also failed to make a profit according to generally accepted accounting principles.

You may also wonder, "How did Dropbox become so successful?" Dropbox made it easy for companies to collaborate and work together. It was as simple as putting files into a folder and then sharing the folder with other members of your team. Because it was so easy, businesses became attached to Dropbox.

What is the Dropbox business model?

Dropbox operates on a freemium model. Users are given a free account that has a fixed storage space. Paid subscriptions offer additional features and more storage. Advanced sharing controls: Users can create passwords and limit expiration dates when sharing files or folders.

How does Dropbox grow?

Referral programs were a key factor in Dropbox's rapid growth between late 2008 and early 2010. This was mainly due to its user base growing by almost 4000% in 15 months. The second reason was Dropbox which made it easy to refer friends. You can send an invitation to your friends via email, or on FaceBook and Twitter. You can invite all of your Yahoo!, AOL and Gmail friends!