Asked by: Criptana Sarasvan
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 30th Apr 2024

What is the mix ratio of Ortho Ground Clear?

Combining with Application
Add 1 quart GroundClear concentrate to a sprayer tank, or watering can. Then add 1 gallon plain water. Combine well. Spray, sprinkle or pour enough GroundClear onto the plants you don't want to wet.

People often ask if you dilute Ortho Ground Clear.

Ortho Ground Clear Vegetation Killer Concentrate is a concentrated product. You will need to dilute it with water. The label at the back will tell you how much product to mix with 1 gallons of water.

You may also wonder if Ortho Ground Clear contains glyphosate. Roundup and Ortho Ground Clear both contain glyphosate, which can be used to kill unwanted weeds in your garden. Ortho Ground Clear is known for being an active root herbicide.

What is the active ingredient of Ortho Ground Clear?

GroundClearA(r) is a product whose active ingredient, ammonium anoate, has been listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute for organic uses around patios and walkways, driveways and landscape beds.

Is Ortho Ground Clear safe?

You should be fine as long as you're not doing more than the cracks. You shouldn't do too much with it. It is a ground-sterilant that can kill trees if used too often. However, if you spray only the stuff you need dead and leave no drips on the plants after spraying it, it won't harm them.