Asked by: Laurencio Kaempffer
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, judaism
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

How long was the journey to the Promised Land supposed to take?

Remember that God originally planned for Israel to be able to conquer the Promised Land within days and not years. It took Israel 40+ years to get there. You can move mountains, even those that are not reaching the goals for this year, if you believe in yourself.

Similar to that, one might ask: How long does it take from Egypt to the Promised Land.

They were cursed by him with forty years of wandering in the wilderness until they died, never having stepped foot in the Promised Land. It should have taken eleven days to complete the actual trip. God's chosen people ended up in Egypt after a seven-year drought.

You might also wonder how far the Israelites traveled in forty years. They could have walked in one file line, with three feet between them. This would have made the trip more than six times longer than the 1300 mile total. They would have reached the promised land if they had walked one-mile per day for nine months. They instead took forty years.

It is also important to find out the distance between Egypt, Canaan and Egypt.

Distance between Egypt, Canaan. The straight line distance between Egypt (and Canaan) is 8492 KM (kilometers), and 583.09 metres. Distance from Egypt to Canaan measured in miles is 5270.8 miles.

How many people have entered the Promised Land so far?

Statistics 26:51 states that there were 601,730 family members ready to enter The Promised Land. This suggests a population of at least two-and-a-half million people, including children. These were the numbers of the children of Israel: Six hundred thousand and seven hundred and thirty.