Asked by: Daniela Andraca
Asked in category: business and finance, construction industry, business and finance, construction industry
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

How much block do I need for a retaining wall?

Divide the wall's width in inches by that of the block, and then round up. This is the number of columns. Divide the wall's height in inches by the block, and add up. This is the number of rows. If the top row is a cap block, the number required cap blocks is the number column.

How much does it cost for a block retaining walls to be installed?

Cost of a Retaining wall Material The cost for retaining wall materials is between $3 and $40 per square foot. Wall block costs between $10 and $15 per sq. foot, while precast concrete prices $20 to $25. Wood is in the middle, at $15-25 per square foot.

Second, how many blocks do I need to build my garage walls? To get an estimate of how many blocks you will need to build garage walls, multiply the total wall area by 1.125. Multiplying 700 feet of wall area by 1.125 gives you 788. This means that you will need approximately 788 concrete blocks for your garage walls.

What is the cheapest way of building a retaining walls?


  1. Treated pine is the most affordable material.
  2. Hardwood is more expensive that treated pine.
  3. Concrete sleepers are more costly.
  4. Besser blocks can be quite expensive to install.
  5. There are many prices for interlocking concrete blocks.

Do I need drainage behind a retaining wall?

Third, retaining walls are impervious. This means that water cannot pass through them. Therefore, it is important to ensure efficient drainage. If drainage is not addressed, hydrostatic pressure can build up behind walls and cause cracking or bulging.