Asked by: Rosineide Supfle
Asked in category: medical health, digestive disorders
Last Updated: 2nd May 2024

What is the importance of portal systems?

This system has a functional purpose. It transports products from one region to another in high concentrations. If the heart was involved in blood circulation between these two regions, the products would spread throughout the rest of the body.

Another question is: Why is the hepatic portal important?

The portal systems for the hepatic and renal portals are part of the circulatory system.

What does hepatic portal mean? Medical definition of hepatic portal: A group of veins that transport blood from the stomach, intestine and spleen to the sinusoids in the liver.

You may then ask: What is the purpose and function of the hepatic Portal System quizlet?

Collects blood from the pancreas, stomach, gallbladder, and intestines. Then, it is directed into the Hepatic Portal vein. Carry blood between two capillary networks.

What is the difference between a portal system and regular circulation?

The portal circulatory system is different from traditional circulatory routes in that blood flows through two sets smaller vessels before reaching the heart. The portal system transports blood from the stomach, intestines and pancreas through the portal vein to the liver.