Asked by: Argeo Berridi
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, drawing and sketching, hobbies and interests, drawing and sketching
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

What is a tramel?

tramel. Noun. (plural tramels). An instrument or device, often made of leather but more often of rope, that is fitted to the legs of a horse to control his movements and force him to walk.

In the same way, one might ask: What does Tramel mean?

tramel. Noun. (plural tramels). An instrument or device, often made of leather but more often of rope, that is fitted to the legs of a horse to control his movements and force him to walk.

The next question is: What is a trammel in relation to sketching? The Trammel Method. A trammel can be a hindrance to freedom or movement. Specific types of figures can easily be drawn by placing geometric restrictions on the motions of a pen and pencil. This principle can be applied to the construction of ellipses, or circles and ovals, using the trammel method.

This being said, what is Trammel for anyway?

When layout work is required, trammel heads are used to draw circles and arcs too large to be drawn using a divider or compass. Trammel head can also be used for dividing lines and angles. They can be used in place of a marking gauge or a mortise to draw lines at a specified distance from an edge.

What is a trammelbar?

The Trammel Type toe gauge is designed to quickly and accurately measure your toes. The unit is so easy that even a novice can use it. The legs are offset so the bar can be used on the turntable or the floor with the vehicle.