Asked by: Sorkunde Ugazzi
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

What do I need to do to leave my house for a month?

These pre-vacation tips will help you save money and have a great time on your trip.
  1. Your Thermostat should be adjusted, but not too much.
  2. Stock Up Your Refrigerator.
  3. Turn off your water.
  4. Stop Vampires.
  5. Don't advertise to thieves

It is also important to know what you do when your house is empty for a month.

10 Things You Need to Do Before Going on Vacation

  1. Your main water supply should be turned off. Leaks happen.
  2. Unplug all electronics. Yes, even if your electronics are off, they can still drain energy.
  3. Invest in a timer.
  4. Before you leave for vacation, stop receiving mail.
  5. Set your thermostat.
  6. Seal all opened boxes of dried and food.
  7. Make your home clean.
  8. Freeze a hearty, simple meal.

Also, how long you can leave your home empty? If you leave your house empty for an extended period of time, most 'normal' home insurance policies won't cover it. Some policies will suspend coverage after 30 days while others will allow for 60 days.

What do you do if you have to leave your home for three months?

How to Close Your House in Three Months

  1. Turn off all propane, natural gas, or propane valves.
  2. All electrical and electronic appliances must be unplugged.
  3. All tools and furniture from the outside will need to be stored inside the house.
  4. Prune overhanging branches to prevent them from falling on your home in high winds.
  5. Drain the water system.

How can I prepare my home for a long absence?

The most important part of home preparation is to make sure that your home looks occupied.

  1. All external doors, windows, and garages must be locked
  2. Do not hide your house keys.
  3. Ask your neighbors and the police to watch.
  4. Set Programmable Light Timers.
  5. Activate Motion Activated Outdoor Floodlights.