Asked by: Zine Cañamaque
Asked in category: pets, fish and aquariums, pets, fish and aquariums
Last Updated: 4th Jul 2024

What is the function of porifera?

They are multicellular but do not have any tissues and organs. Sponges must live in an aquatic environment because they need to be in close contact with water. Water is an important part of the food, gas exchange and excretion. The sponge's body has many pores or holes called ostia.

So, what is the purpose of a sponge?

They perform the functions of the sponge and transport nutrients. They also form spicules which are the spongesskeletal fibers. They work in conjunction with the collar cells to digest food for the sponges and produce gametes for reproduction.

What is the purpose of collar cells in sponges, also? The collar cells are made up of a funnel-shaped collar and a hairlike whip called a flagellum. The collar cells serve two functions. They first beat their flagella back-and-forth to force water through a sponge. The water is able to absorb nutrients and oxygen while it also removes waste and carbon dioxide.

Afterwards, one might also wonder, "What is the function of Choanocytes within sponges?"

A choanocyte's function is to allow water to flow through the sponge's body. This allows nutrients to pass through and feed the sponge. Choanocytes are cells found on the flagella-like appendages that look like whips and are located in the sponge.

What is the purpose of the skeleton in sponges

Skeleton can be made up of either separate spicules, interlacing sponging fibres, or both. Skeleton protects and supports the sponges soft body parts. Skeleton is also used to classify sponges into different classes such as Calcarea, Hexanellida, and Desmospongia.