Asked by: Luanna Reintgens
Asked in category: medical health, infectious diseases
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

What is the EMB agar test?

Eosin-methylene blue (EMB), a selective and differential medium, is used to isolate fecal bacteria. Eosin Y is a pH indicator dye that forms a dark purple precipitate at low acid. They also inhibit most Gram positive organisms.

Hence, EMB is selective and different.

Eosin Methylene Blue (or EMB Agar) is a Selective and Differential Medium. Eosin Y, Methylene Blue and the sugars sucrose and lactose in the medium are responsible for the selective and differential features. It is selective because it promotes certain bacteria growth while inhibiting others.

EMB agar can also be used to detect E coli. EMB agar can be used to detect E coli in water samples. E.coli in the water sample/river indicates possible fecal contamination.

Then, you might also wonder, "What can grow on EMB-agar?"

EMB Agar may not be suitable for some strains of Salmonella or Shigella. EMB Agar can be used to grow gram-positive bacteria such as staphylococci and enterococci. These bacteria will usually form small colonies. Non-pathogenic, non-lactose-fermenting organisms will also grow on this medium.

Is EMB Agar complex or defined?

Answer d. EMB-agar is an example medium that can be used to select, differential, or complex media. Chocolate agar is blood agar that has been heated to release growth factors.