Asked by: Nouhoun
Asked in category: news and politics, crime
Last Updated: 29th Apr 2024

What is the definition of prisoner?

noun. A person who is held in prison or another form of custody while they await trial or are convicted of a crime.

What is the politically correct term to use for prisoners?

If they are convicted of a felon, Amswer: felon can be a good term. Prisoner can also be a good term, as if someone is in prison they will likely be in prison. Also, incarcerated persons can be referred to as felons or prisoners and/or inmates.

Also, what is the purpose of inmates being called? For a prolonged time, confined in a hospital because of a medical condition. A person who was born under this roof. An inpatient is a person who is being kept in hospital while they are under observation and confinement. An inmate is a person who is serving a sentence for committing felony.

Also, find out what prisoner means to you.

Definition of prisoner. 1: A person who is deprived of liberty and held under involuntary confinement, confinement or custody, especially one in prison. 2: A person who is held indefinitely as if she were in prison, a prisoner of her conscience.

Where is the prisoner kept?

A prison is a place where criminals are held as punishment, or where those accused of a crime are kept until their trial. Inmates in prison are kept in their cells.