Asked by: Jacque Urrutia
Asked in category: business and finance, government business
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

What is the cost of a Toronto land survey?

A land surveyor will cost you about $507, according to the national average . However, fees can vary depending on the size of your lot, where you live, and how old the lot is.
Land Survey Cost per Acre.
Acreage Average Reported Cost
100 to 200 $3,000-$10,000
200-350 $5,000-$20,000

This being said, what is an average cost for a land survey?

A land survey costs $300-$950 depending on where it is located and the size of the area. Nationally, the average cost of a land survey is $550.

What is the cost of surveying land in the Philippines? DENR offers a free subdivision and approval of subdivision plans to expedite land titling. The cost of a lot survey is usually between P7,000 and P10,000. This is a significant requirement for titling.

How do I get a survey done on my Toronto property?

To obtain a survey in Toronto, you can search an online database such as Protect Your Boundaries. All you need is your street address. You may find a survey that is current or an older survey.

Do I have to do a property survey myself?

Although it is cheaper to do a property survey yourself, this can lead to problems. Your neighbor could sue you if you aren't within a reasonable margin of error and you build something on their property. This could lead to you spending thousands.