Asked by: Shaneka Gino
Asked in category: technology and computing, programming languages
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

What is the best way to call a void function

A void function returns value by changing one or more parameters, rather than using return statements. The function name and argument list are used to call a void function.

What is a void function, you ask?

Void functions can be used in computer programming as stand-alone statements. When void is used to indicate that a function doesn't return a value, it is called a function return type. If void is used in a function’s parameter list, it indicates that the function does not take parameters.

Also, learn how to call a function. Call() allows a method or function belonging to one object be assigned to another object and then called for it. call() adds a new value to the method/function. Call() allows you to write one method and have it inherit in another object.

How do you use void?

The void keyword is used to indicate that a function doesn't return any value when it is used as a return type. void is used to indicate that a function does not take parameters. void is used to declare a pointer. "

What does return datatype void mean?

Data type void refers to objects that do not have any value. It is used in defined functions which return zero value. We've seen this use before. Functions that only print a message but have no value to returns. This function is only used to have a side effect, and not to provide any value.