Asked by: Ao Raders
Asked in category: pets, cats
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Which rat is best to keep as a pet?

Many people believe that Dumbo rats are friendlier than other kinds of rats. ( Dumbo rats have their ears on the sides of the head, rather than on topalike to Walt Disney's Dumbo The Elephanta. Burmese can also be considered friendly.

You might also wonder, "What types of rats are good pets?"

Fancy rats are a good pet for children. Rats are not as aggressive as other pocket pets such hamsters. They are more sturdy than other rodents, and they don't tend to make rapid movements. Rats sleep for up to 15 hours per day so they don't require the same amount of time commitment as cats and dogs.

The same goes for rats. Rats are intelligent, curious, affectionate and friendly. They can also learn to respond to your calls. Pet rats can learn tricks and are very clean, contrary to popular belief.

You might also wonder if it is safe to keep a pet rat as a pet.

Wild rats can be very dirty and may carry disease, while domesticated rats are completely clean and free of diseases. They will need to be checked on a regular basis, just like dogs and cats. It is important that they are handled early so that they become comfortable with being touched.

What is the average lifespan of rats as pets?

3 years