Asked by: Ivanilda Jaouhari
Asked in category: home and garden, indoor environmental quality
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Is it possible to lay a ground rod into a trench?

If it is impossible to drive a rod 45 degrees from vertical due to rock bottom, the rod can be buried under a trench at least 2 1/2 feet in depth.

Can you then lay a horizontal ground rod?

Step 2 – Install the Ground Rod Horizontally. If the rod is too heavy to hammer down, you can install it horizontally. You will need to dig a trench at least 2 1/2 feet in depth and enough length to hold the entire grounding rod (8 feet).

Rebar can also be used as a ground rod. Make sure you use the correct grounding rod. Most cases, either pipe or bar can be used. For best results, the grounding rod must be made from galvanized steel. It should also be at least 4 feet long.

You might also wonder, "How deep can a ground rod go?"

8 feet

What number of grounding rods do you need?

2 rods