Asked by: Borys Bundlechner
Asked in category: business and finance, marketing and advertising
Last Updated: 16th Jun 2024

What is the antithesis of pure competition?

The opposite of a monopolistic marketplace is perfect competition. Each market can be considered imperfect because they exist outside the framework of a perfect competition model.

You might also wonder, "What market situation is opposite to pure competition?"


The same goes for pure competition. Pure competition allows new companies to easily enter the market and begin selling their products. The price consumers will pay determines the price of the product. In a highly competitive market, one company may not be the dominant.

What is pure competition, then?

Agrarian products such as soybeans, wheat, and corn are the best examples of a pure competitive market. Monopolistic competition works in the same way as pure competition, where there are many suppliers, and barriers to entry are very low. An oligopoly refers to a market that is dominated by only a few suppliers.

What are the four characteristics of pure competition

PERFECT COMPETITION, CHARACTERISTICS - The key characteristics of perfect competition include (1) a large number small businesses, (2) identical products sold across all firms, (3) perfect resources mobility, or the freedom to enter and exit the industry, and (4) a perfect understanding of prices and technology.