Asked by: Leslee Engineer
Asked in category: medical health, lung and respiratory health
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

What is the acid-base balance?

Acid-base balance: The body uses acid-base balance to maintain its fluids at a neutral pH (that is neither basic nor acidic), so it can function normally.

You might also wonder what acid base balance means.

Medical Definition of Acid-base Balance: The state of equilibrium between proton donor and acceptor in the buffering system. It is maintained at pH 7.35 to 7.45 in normal arterial blood conditions.

How do you calculate acid base balance? The doctor will assess a person's acid/base balance by taking blood samples to measure the pH and levels carbon dioxide (an acid), and bicarbonate, (a base). The body's acid level decreases, or the base level increases, causes blood alkalinity to rise.

What is the significance of acid base balance in this context?

To function properly, your blood must have the right amount of basic (alkaline), and acidic compounds. This is the acid- balance. Your kidneys and lungs work together to maintain the Acid- Base Balance. Your vital organs can be affected if you have even slight deviations from the normal range.

How can the body keep the acid base balance in check?

The Kidneys' Role in Acid-Base Balance