Asked by: Emy Puschin
Asked in category: medical health, heart and cardiovascular diseases
Last Updated: 7th May 2024

What is PVC?

Premature heartbeat contractions (PVCs), are heartbeats that start in one of the lower pumping chambers (ventricles) of your heart. These extra beats can disrupt your regular rhythm and cause you to feel a fluttering in your chest or a skip in your heartbeat.

Are PVCs also dangerous?

Other symptoms include dizziness, near-fainting and a pounding feeling in the neck. PVCs can cause serious symptoms if there is a heart condition.

How do you treat PVCs? Treatment

  1. Lifestyle changes. Common PVC triggers, such as tobacco and caffeine, can reduce the severity and frequency of your symptoms.
  2. Medications. Beta blockers, which are used often to treat high blood pressure or heart disease, can suppress premature contractions.
  3. Radiofrequency catheter ablation.

This raises the question: Can PVCs cause heart attacks?

PVCs should not be a concern if you have normal heart function. PVCs can cause a variety of conditions, including congenital heart disease and cardiomyopathy.

How does PVC feel?

PVC symptoms include a flip-flop feeling inside the chest, increased awareness of your heartbeat, skip beats, and palpitations