Asked by: Sayed Gilden
Asked in category: science, chemistry
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What is the molar mass for Pb?

207.2A u

Another question is: What is the molar mass for Pb c2h3o22 2?

325.29A g/mol

Also, explain how you calculated the molar mass for Pb so4 2. 399.32 g/mol

How do you calculate the molar mass for lead?

The molar mass for lead is 207.2. There is only one atom, so leave it as is. The molar Mass of Sulfur is 32.07 - because there are two atoms in this number, you multiply it by 2. The molar mass for oxygen is 15.9994. There are 8 atoms so you multiply this number by 8.

What is the molar mass for an element?

The molar mass (or mass) of a chemical element (or chemical compound) is divided by the substance (mol). Add the standard atomic masses of the constituent atoms to calculate the molar mass.