Asked by: Melvi Rodder
Asked in category: style and fashion, mens outerwear
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

How high can Norfolk Island pines grow?

Norfolk Island pine is a long-lived and beautiful houseplant that slowly grows to 6 feet in height. It can grow up to 200ft in the wild. It doesn't like to have its roots disturbed so repotted every 2 to 3 years.

Find out how tall a Norfolk Island pine can grow.

200 feet

Can you also top a Norfolk Island Pine? There are likely to be other Norfolk Island Pines with the same droopy appearance. Pruning is not an option for controlling this plant's growth. Side growth will not be stimulated by removing topgrowth. This would cause a tree to lose its top and thus destroy its natural symmetry.

Find out how fast a Norfolk Island pine grows.

On parts of California's coast, Norfolk Island Pines grow 100 ft or higher, reaching up to 60 ft. Growing up up 2 ft. per year.

Can Norfolk pines take full sunlight?

Plant Norfolk Pines near your home in an open and bright area. However, they should not be placed in full sunlight. Because the trees are native to sandy soil, outdoor Norfolk Island Pines will be happy in any soil. The tree prefers acidic soils, but can tolerate slightly alkaline soils.